The Gillies Travelling Fund provides funding and grants for educational activities that improve and advance PRS in NZ. Eligible activities include, but are not restricted to overseas fellowship and observership roles; attendance at an international meeting/course; costs related to a research project, a higher degree; or publication and funding a visiting expert to support trainee activities.
Eligible candidates include senior New Zealand Surgical Education and Training (SET) trainees and plastic and reconstructive surgeons who have recently achieved FRACS.
Applications are made in writing to the Chair, Gillies Trust Fund c/- Executive Manager NZAPS. (
An application form and the Terms of Reference can be found at Gillies Travelling Fund Charitable Trust (under ‘About us’ on this website) or contact for additional information.
The RACS Australia and New Zealand Scholarship and Grant Committee (ANZSGC) invites trainees to apply for Research, Travel and Education awards being offered in the RACS Scholarships Programme.
Up to 37 scholarships, fellowships and grants are available each year to Fellows and Trainees. Applications for scholarships and fellowships open on 1 March and close late April.
Refer to the RACS website at for more information.
The ASAPS Fellowship programme expands on pre FRACS training in aesthetic surgery allowing subspecialisation in areas such as breast surgery, facial surgery, rhinoplastic surgery and body contouring surgery. Read more at ASAPS Website.
Plastic and reconstructive fellowship positions are available at three New Zealand public hospitals and one private hospital which is based in Auckland. For specific details on the fellowship opportunities please refer to the information below.
Middlemore Hospital hosts the Auckland Regional Centre for Plastic Reconstructive & Hand Surgery, one of the largest and most dynamic plastic surgery units in the Southern Hemisphere with 20 plastic surgeons and 5 orthopaedic hand surgeons. The Department is accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons as a training location for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The unit performs a range of procedures including complex breast, head & neck, and sarcoma reconstructions. Regional adult and paediatric craniofacial and cleft surgery is also provided in this department, as well as upper and lower limb reconstructive services.
The unit supports two fellowship positions as listed below.
1. Middlemore Hospital Hand Fellowship
Middlemore Hospital Hand Unit has a one-year Hand Fellowship starting in August each year for Plastic and Orthopaedic Fellows that have passed their exit/fellowship exam.
The Fellowship involves an alternating roster of one week performing acute hand trauma cases supervised by Orthopaedic and Plastic hand surgeons and the other week on electives attending clinics and elective operating in both public and private practices.
The Fellowship is registered for PFET and is aimed at Fellows looking to specialize in hand surgery.
There is a small service component of weekend call and occasional evening call for significant trauma cases.
For more information contact Mike Foster, Clinical Lead Hands
2. Middlemore Hospital Burn Fellowship – New Zealand National Burn Centre,
The Burn Fellowship position is based in the National Burn Centre (NBC) located within Middlemore Hospital, Auckland. The NBC is a 10 bed ‘state of the art’ facility and is central to the National Burn Service of New Zealand. Established in 2007, the Fellowship involves provision of burn care for both adult and paediatric patients in a single centre. The team at the National Burn Centre provide care for the most severely burn injured patients from New Zealand and on occasion from across the wider Pacific region. Experience will be gained in the acute, rehabilitative, and reconstructive phases of treatment. Our Fellows are exposed to all aspects of critical care whilst working closely with our Intensive Care team.
As the NBC is located within the Auckland Regional Centre for Plastic Reconstructive & Hand Surgery, there is also an opportunity for Fellows to be involved in other Plastic & Reconstructive and Hand surgery when in post.
The position is for a fixed term 12-month basis, but consideration may be given to shorter or longer terms. Registration with the New Zealand Medical Council is essential at commencement of employment. Applications can be made direct to
For more information, please contact Crisna on 64 21 591 264 or 64 9 2760135 or /
The Wellington Regional Plastic Maxillo-Facial and Burn Service is based in Lower Hutt, Wellington, and provides regional services to the Capital and Coast, Wairarapa, Mid Central, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson/Marlborough and Whanganui areas, servicing a population of over 1 million people. The Service delivers outreach clinics in each of these areas to improve access for patients across the region.
The Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS) unit at Hutt Hospital is accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons as a training location for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
The PRS unit supports two Fellowship positions, as below. The Fellowships are usually advertised early in the year to commence around September each year and run for a 12-month fixed term period. Roles are advertised on, and on our local internet pages
1. Senior Plastic Fellow
The Senior Plastic Fellow position is aimed at a recently qualified, post-fellowship examination, specialist plastic surgeon who is wanting to gain international experience. This is a Microsurgical fellowship with a focus on reconstructive surgery. The role also covers general plastic surgical on call responsibilities, requiring the ability to manage hand and burn trauma along with other reconstructive emergencies.
2. Junior/Developmental Fellow
The Junior /Developmental Follow position is aimed at an international registrar wanting to gain experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery overseas. A focus of the role could be to learn and improve skills and see operations not undertaken in the applicant’s home country.
For more information, please contact Kyle Reid, Operations Manager at
PRS Fellowship
The PRS Fellowship is aimed at a recently qualified, post-fellowship examination, specialist plastic surgeon looking to gain experience in microsurgery and head and neck surgery. The role also covers general plastic surgery responsibilities including managing hand and burn trauma and reconstructive emergency surgery.
Waikato Hospital is a tertiary referral and teaching centre providing a wide range of plastic services including Head and neck ablative, reconstructive surgery, cleft lip & palate and burns for the Midland Region (860,000 people). The department supports 5 regional secondary care and four satellite hospitals. Waikato is the fourth largest region in Aotearoa New Zealand and located just south of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. The Department is accredited by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons as a training location for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
For more information on the Fellowship opportunity please contact Simon Nicholson, via email
The NZ Institute of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, is a private practice based in Auckland. It offers a six-month aesthetic Fellowship opportunity for recently graduated plastic surgeons from NZ or overseas. This Fellowship is aimed at Plastic Surgeons who wish to improve their experience in breast and facial aesthetic surgery. To be eligible, applicants must be registered with the Medical Council of NZ and be able to work in New Zealand.
For further information contact