Membership information
The Association works to represent the interests of its members in many areas and provides the following membership benefits:
There are five categories of Association membership. Following is a brief description of the membership categories. More detailed information can be found in the Association Constitution or by contacting the NZAPS office via
Full membership
Full membership applicants must:
Associate membership
Associate membership applicants must be:
Associate members are not eligible to vote but are entitled to receive notice of and attend general meetings of the Association.
Associate members resident overseas for more than one year, or permanently, pay a reduced membership subscription as determined by the Council.
Trainee associate membership
To be eligible for trainee associate membership applicants must be:
Training membership automatically ends on exiting the SET programme and entering specialist practice or on the completion of approved fellowship positions.
Trainee associate members are not eligible to vote but are entitled to receive notice of and attend general meetings of the association.
Trainee associate members are eligible to be co-opted as members of the Council and receive the usual benefits and privileges of membership.
After gaining FRACS, a training member is invited to full membership via written notification from NZAPS.
Trainee associate members are not liable for payment of any subscription to the Association but are entitled to all the privileges of the Association.
Honorary membership
The following persons may apply or be nominated to be honorary members of the Association, subject to Council approval:
Honorary members do not pay a subscription to the Association but are entitled to all the privileges of the Association.
Overseas membership
A person practicing in the Specialty in countries other than New Zealand may be elected as an overseas member of the Association on the recommendation of the Council. Overseas members are not entitled to vote and are ineligible to be an Office Bearer in the Society. Overseas members are not liable for payment of any subscription to the Association.
Full, Honorary, Associate and Trainee members who are or intend to be overseas for a term exceeding one year should notify the Association, and such members are entitled to become Overseas Members from the time of their departure from New Zealand.
Applications for all categories of membership are considered by the Association’s Council which will take into account the applicant’s training, experience and expertise.
For more information about membership or to apply, contact the Association at